Tuesday, March 22, 2005

the person who will love us even if there is NO more reason to do is the one meant for us

"It is sad to witness relationships fail because of distance. Somehow it is true that a neighbor is better than a brother who is far away. We have seen how the loss of communication can transform longing into nothingness. "
"it is important to search your hearts for room for forgiveness and acceptance. If neither of you can find it then I don't think there would be anything more to discuss. I remember being asked how to find out if someone is really meant for you. It is very hard to see that but one thing's sure: the person who will love us even if there is no more reason to do so is the one meant for us.Let us always remember that there is no mistake so wrong that it cannot be forgiven. For those who love, there is always forgiveness, and for those who forgive, there is always a fresh start.Angel, I hope that you and James will find that space to forgive so you can start building your lives again from the shattered remains of the past." - comments ala Joe D' Mango

i was browsing some good article about joe d' mango (he really gives good advices) when i found this article. (see full story below) o i love reading quotes and love stories that some expereinces so if my time comes i have some advices to recall.

love is really so unpredictable and unconditional. you will love and not asking for love in return make others happy even it cause your happiness make things worse and yet feeling so happy. the worse of the worse and the best of the best.

my favorite quote is "love and be lovable" cause i know that if you love, often you forget yourself. so, be sure to give yourself some percent of it. so if the love you give never return you still have it even in small percent. -love yourself more than any other.

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